Consulting/Works supervision

The Design Department also provides consultancy services and works supervision
The consultancy teams are made up of professionals qualified in: works supervision, technical inspection of materials, quality, etc., as well as in contract management, procurement, environmental experts, dislocated on various construction sites to monitor and control the implementation of investments in road, port and airport infrastructure field, which are financed, for the most part, by European structural instruments.
As consultants, we offer the following services:
- verification and revision of projects
- assisting the Client in pre-bid activities and tendering procedures, contract analysis and awarding
- management and supervision of the execution of the works according to the Works Contract
- supervision of the works during the defects liability period; legal action regarding the works completion stage
- management of disputes and claims
- preparation of “As Built Documentation” and maintenance manuals.
- Our specialists are certified/authorized by the State Inspectorate for Constructions and are experienced in contract procedures in compliance with international standards and the Contractual Conditions of various international financial institutions, including FIDIC.
Environmental protection is a key factor in IPTANA’s approach to projects. In this way, our Clients are assured that the technical solutions we adopt comply with the principle of “sustainable development” and provide environmental mitigation measures to protect human health and prevent pollution.
We adopt material-saving manufacturing technologies that directly influence the quantities of raw materials used to produce these materials. We also select the most appropriate solutions for carrying out road works so as to reduce as much as possible the agricultural or forest areas temporarily occupied by works, so as not to affect the right of future generations to enjoy one of the country’s major resources. Projects concerning the achievement of port investments, especially those involving the loading/unloading of oil products, grain and other bulk materials, have included solutions to prevent pollution of waterways and thus protect the aquatic ecosystem.